Spinrite, Perfect Knit, Supplies for Knitting, Buy Yarn in Listowel Ontario

Thanks to internet shopping nobody has to drive seventy two miles west to Listowel Ontario when you can buy knitting supplies online but if you do happen to find yourself in the Queens Bush region of Ontario you could travel and shop at the Spinrite Factory Outlet Store which has all manner of coloured wool including button and bows and zippers and satin linings and hundreds of paper pattern books and thousands of balls of yarn for sale.  Here’s a nifty Urban Exploration discussion forum post offering a secret glimpse inside the Spinrite wool mill in Listowel Ontario.

dying wool at Perfect KnitListowel locals have been dying wool for half a century or more. Look here at the Victorian Era wool dying machines that occupied the buildings in the late 1800s.

Read about John Binning the Founding Father of Listowel Ontario on Dumpdiggers; he’s outlined along with mills on the Maitland river and the settlers of the Queens Bush.

St. Andrew’s College Athletics Program

There is a lot of emphasis on kids being active these days. On average, children who are physically fit and play team sports do better in the classroom. A recent study conducted by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) investigated the link between physical activity in children and academic performance in school. They interviewed 214 children of middle school age. The study, reported in ACSM’s official journal, Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise that while kids do better in school when they are active, the best performing students reported their exercise comes from extra curricular activities not associated with school ie hockey and soccer clubs and mountain bike riding.

St. Andrew’s College is located in Aurora Ontario. They are an all boys private school with a long history and proud tradition. Their alumni include famous actors, Prime Ministers, professional hockey players and great artists. This is a video from St. Andrew’s College Athletics Department.

St. Andrews College hockey player in red uniform alone on the ice

If you like Ontario minor league hockey news, read about St. Andrew’s latest victory over Upper Canada College last week. The Saints are crushing this season, like they do every year.

The next St. Andrew’s College Open House is on May 4th 2011.

Nunavut Blogs and Ontario Tourist Attractions on Lenzr

Clare Kines is a retired RCMP officer in Arctic Bay Nunavut and successful bed and breakfast business blogger – he’s the the subject of a compelling profile on CanadaBlogFriends.ca this month. Kiggavik is the name of local bird (gryfalcon) and also the name of his lodge. He’s had many famous people stay at his chalet in the north, including Dan Rather from the CBS TV series 60 Minutes.

Here’s a picture of Clare leading hikers to the berry fields opposite the town of Arctic Bay which you can see along the distant shore in the background.

This is a barren place but Clare’s blog about The House, kiggavik shows readers that the barren lands are not nearly as barren as we might suppose.

Here’s Lisa Charleyboy laughing and making merry at her birthday dinner at Vivoli on College St in Toronto on September 9th 2009.

Down here  in Ontario, on Lenzr.com

Ontario Tourist Attractions is a photo contest that’s sponsored by Kanetix.ca insurance & mortgage rate quotes and is a search for pictures that celebrate of our province’s most interesting destinations.

This web challenge asks people to upload pictures of small town main streets, beaches, museums and monuments.

Ontario Tourist Attractions

Photo contest ends at 12:01 am on the morning of November 1st 2009.

Prize is $200 for first place, followed by a $100 second prize unit AMERICAN EXPRESS gift certificates.

Hold the boat on the Toronto Ferry, visit the Hockey Hall of Fame and Raptors at Air Canada Centre and get pictures.

Added together with the location information, the 140 character caption on each image should somehow capture the essence of people enjoying the great outdoors in the Province of Ontario.

Quotes are always free on Kanetix.ca

Compare mortgage rates, car insurance, life insurance, home/property insurance, motorcycle insurance, business insurance, travel insurance, health insurance, and more…
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Best Cell Phone Plans Website Sponsors Photo Contest

Lenzr Photo Contest: Summer in Toronto

Summer in Toronto, Lenzr, photo contest, best cell phone plans, smart phoneThis month and August 2009 Lenzr is running a photo contest Summer in Toronto an urban photography contest with a cool prize for the most popular photograph (as decided by the members who vote green thumbs up) What’s the prize exactly? a smart phone!

The best cell phone plans website in Canada is sponsoring this contest and rewarding the winner with the smart phone of their choice.

smart phone, best cell phone plan website

What would you choose? A blackberry or iPhone or Pre or … well
what else is there?
You can get any type of phone you like… and trust
me this is the plan to get the best plan. So right up until the end of August, the people of Toronto of all ages are motivated to snap and submit photos of summer wherever they find it in the GTA.

Contest ends midnight August 31st, 2009 . The winning image is the picture with the most green thumbs up votes at that time.

The winner, the user that submitted the winning photo, may choose
any one (1) smart phones that are available in the Canadian Wireless
industry, this includes, but is not limited to the iPhone, Blackberry,
Pre, etc More details on Canada’s best phone plans website, our sponsor
the My Terms Network Inc.